About us

Al-baseera Bristol Centre is an Islamic centre and a masjid upon the Qur’an, sunnah and the path of the companions.

Our objectives are to promote the benefits of the inhabitants of the city of Bristol by associating together the inhabitants and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations to advance education, social welfare and leisure time occupation

  • Abdirahman Jibril Mead
  • Mohamed Abdi Dahir
  • Musafa Ali Ahmed
  • Hassan Mohamed Ali
  • Abdirahman M Djama
  • Mustafe Ali Sharif
  • Jimale Mohamed
  • Abdirahma M Djama
  • Abdirahman Jibril
  • Abdirahman Mohamed Djama

  • Abdirahman Mohamed Djama


Al Baseera Trustees are responsible for the overall Charity, they have the legal responsibility over the charity, they report directly to the charity commission which regulate all charities in England and Wales, the charity commission is therefore the top of the organizational authority for all charities in England and wales. The Trustee meet minimum twice a year, which is the requirements of the regulator, in those meetings the trustees fulfils its legal obligations, such as financial and annual reporting to the charity commission. also, any legal decision that affect the charity is taken in these annual meetings and reports send to the regulator to make them public on the charity commission website. The trustee and the management committee are volunteers, they do not receive any compensation or other financial benefits from the jobs they do for the community. The Trustees have set up three sub-committees that facilitate certain activities of the charity’s work. The sub-committees are:

Sub-committee for the day to day management of the charity’s premises.

The Management committee is responsible for the day to day running of the charity and its facilities. The management committee meet at least twice a month to discuss various issues that arise daily, whether it is operational, management or financial which needs decision taking. This sub-committees are chaired by a member of the trustees whose membership reflects the skills that trustee s can bring to the work of subcommittees. The sub-committees meet twice a month, and report back to the trustee chairman. This committee deals with everything to do the operation, planning and implementing the objectives of al-baseera, on behalf of the trustees. this committee oversees all employees and make sure the charity works in accordance with its charity documents, it also makes sure the charity complies with all regulatory requirements. The committee reports directly to the trustees and prepares all agenda topics for the trustees meeting. It also prepares proposals for the mid and long term planning and implementations ideas. The committee is at the heart of the charity, it has close contact with the community and all service users, therefore this committee is the interface between trustees and the community the charity serves.

Sub-committee for the youth and sports activities

This subcommittee keeps our youth all year round busy, organising various activities in different times of the year such as half term school holidays, Eid festivals and during summer holidays. For boys, the football tournaments is popular and has been huge success, where boys from the age of 12 up to 16 compete in groups. Also, swimming, trips to Islamic seminars, lectures. These activities are vital for our next generation youth.

Sub-committee for the Dawah and Quran lessons

Dawah subcommittee organises events that take place at al- baseera building, they also go out and hold information desks in popular streets in town, giving information about the correct and authentic Islamic faith.

Policies and procedures

All charity policies required by the regulator are up to date, these policies are regularly updated and filed in the charity various folders. The charity has also separate madrassa policies that are published in the charity website.

Some of Our public policies are:

Health & Safety

Our objectives are to promote the benefits of the inhabitants of the city of Bristol by associating together the inhabitants and the local authorities.


Our objectives are to promote the benefits of the inhabitants of the city of Bristol by associating together the inhabitants and the local authorities.

Volunteering policy

Our objectives are to promote the benefits of the inhabitants of the city of Bristol by associating together the inhabitants and the local authorities.

Activities Prayers  Ramadan  Community Centre Halls and class rooms Open Day Annual Umra for youth Football Quran competition Albaseera Bristol Centre


Albaseera Bristol Centre is situated near the city centre of Bristol. It gives easy access to Muslims working in the central Bristol as well as the highly populated Easton, Barton Hill and St Paul’s areas. The centre facilitates 300+ worshippers

It is our aim to make the centre a welcoming venue for the Somali youth in Bristol. We organise dedicated lessons, seminars, sermons and workshops for them. We are fortunate to have a sub-committee that looks after the youth problems. We are delighted to have women only sessions, where our sisters can gather together to learn about their religion and worship. The centre offers facilities for all women who want pray at all times. Helping those who are vulnerable within our community is very important to us. We try to help those who have moved to Bristol recently as well as those who have been living long time in the city.

Our long term aims is to have a centre that provides a facility where all Muslims can worship, where all parts of our community can gather together, and we are part of a peaceful, Vibrant and harmonious city.

There are wide ranges of activities that take place in our centre in pursuance of its charitable aims. The trustees believe that these activities provide benefit both to those who use our centre and the wider community of Bristol. During the year under review, we offered following activities and services:


The centre is open every day for daily and Friday prayers. More than 200 people visit the centre every week for their daily pray, and over 500 attend regularly Friday prayers.


We prepare food during Ramadan for those attending our centre who wishes to break their fast together. During these blessed days, over 100 people, male and female, visit the centre to pray the Tarawiih every evening. Due to number of visitor on the Eid days, we hired both Eids St Pauls Sport centre, so all families can enjoy their festive days

Community Centre Halls and class rooms

We prepare food during Ramadan for those attending our centre who wishes to break their fast together. During these blessed days, over 100 people, male and female, visit the centre to pray the Tarawiih every evening. Due to number of visitor on the Eid days, we hired both Eids St Pauls Sport centre, so all families can enjoy their festive days

Annual Umra for youth

The D’awa committee organise for the youth with the consent of their parent Umra trips in the month of ramdan.

Quran competition

Madrassa committee in partnership with Youth Committee organise football tournament during half terms, a lot of children and young persons


Madrassa committee in partnership with Youth Committee organise football tournament during half terms, a lot of children and young persons

Open Day

We organise open days at least once every 2 year. Open days have been widely advertised in the local media. Massive crowd attend especial from non-Muslims who are interested in Islam and masjid operations, lots of people have participated including local councillors, police, local media and the wider communities within Bristol.